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Upgrading bbPress

Published on December 11th, 2014 by Stephen Edgar

This section is your guide to bbPress theme updates, by version release. From time to time bbPress creates new functionality that requires templates and markup adjustments, adds new JavaScript scripting and perhaps requires CSS properties supporting these additions. If your bbPress installation is a particularly custom one, that is, you have customized template files to […]


Published on May 29th, 2014 by Stephen Edgar

Getting Started in Modifying the Main bbPress Template

Published on January 29th, 2013 by pjv

The target audience for this page is someone who has basic familiarity with editing WordPress theme templates. If you are just picking up bbPress and you want to make some basic changes to the template that is being rendered like say removing WordPress comments code or any post meta that should only be shown on […]

Theme Compatibility

Published on June 10th, 2012 by masonjames

bbPress 2.x has built-in theme support. All required elements such as front-end editing are included. This means that all functionality will work, even when a theme has no specific bbPress templates or code included with it. All bbPress compat can be overridden using a theme or another plugin. Check bbp-theme-compat template wrappers for what a […]


Published on May 10th, 2012 by Stephen Edgar

bbPress comes with five widgets available to add to any of your WordPress themes sidebars, to active them simply open up your WordPress admin dashboard and go to ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Widgets’ (bbPress) Forums List – A list of forums with an option to set the parent. Options: Title: Here you can set the title of […]


Published on May 9th, 2012 by Stephen Edgar

Since Version 2.0 bbPress support Shortcodes. They have been introduced for creating macros to be used in the layout of your forum content on WordPress pages. To use any of the shortcodes simply insert the desired shortcode into any WordPress page. To get the required numerical ID for $forum_id, $topic_id, $reply_id and $tag_id you will […]

Themes and Templating

Published on February 5th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

These pages are for bbPress versions less than 2.0. They are considered out of date and are here for legacy only. Installing Installing themes is easy. Make sure you have a directory called my-templates/ in bbPress’ root directory. Upload the theme to your server as a new subdirectory in your my-templates/ directory. That’s it! Activating […]

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