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Published on May 18th, 2012 by Jarret

Description The ‘bbp_theme_after_forum_title’ action is used to display content after each forum title on the forum index pages. Where it can be found On line 20 of /bbp-theme-compat/bbpress/loop-single-forum.php /bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/bbpress/loop-single-forum.php How to use it Since this is an action, we can use add_action to hook into it. Sample code example Note: Always remember to prefix your […]

Forum Settings

Published on May 13th, 2012 by masonjames

Forum User Settings This area defines the privileges and restrictions for the bbPress forums. Disallow editing after Set this to the time (in number of minutes) to limit post editing. Once the time limit has been reached the forum post no longer be available for editing to forum participants. Administrators and bbPress Moderators can override […]


Published on May 10th, 2012 by Stephen Edgar

bbPress comes with five widgets available to add to any of your WordPress themes sidebars, to active them simply open up your WordPress admin dashboard and go to ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Widgets’ (bbPress) Forums List – A list of forums with an option to set the parent. Options: Title: Here you can set the title of […]


Published on May 9th, 2012 by Stephen Edgar

Since Version 2.0 bbPress support Shortcodes. They have been introduced for creating macros to be used in the layout of your forum content on WordPress pages. To use any of the shortcodes simply insert the desired shortcode into any WordPress page. To get the required numerical ID for $forum_id, $topic_id, $reply_id and $tag_id you will […]


Published on February 5th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

The ‘bbp_loaded’ action is hooked onto WordPress’s ‘plugins_loaded’ action with default priority 10 in: /includes/core/actions.php It’s one of several ‘piggy-back’ actions intended to help load code only when bbPress is active. It’s used to execute code early in the WordPress load order. How it's hooked Where it's used

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