Auto-embed Links
Auto-embed links allows the user to have the ability to automatically embed any Youtube videos, Twitter tweets, Imgur images, Vine videos, and Instagram photos directly into topics and replies. This is powered by the oEMBED feature inside of WordPress. For a full list of what oEMBED supports in bbPress and WordPress go here.
To enable the ability to use oEMBED on bbPress topics and replies:
- Go to Settings > Forums in the WordPress backend
- Then in the Forum Features section make sure “Embed media (YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, etc…) directly into topics and replies” is enabled
How to Embed
All you have to do is place the full url of the object you are trying to embed. For example in a reply you could place this into the replies content box.
Check out this cool video:
[YouTube link URL]
That was a cool video.
Then where you see the YouTube link URL , when you submit the post you would see a youtube video in full.
How to adjust the width of the embedded object
The width of the embedded objects are sized to the width of your currently active theme.To resize the width of the objects you will need to add this to your child theme’s functions.php file
if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 600;
You can change 600 to something more appropriate for your theme.
How to add support for more websites
Please go to this WordPress codex article: How Can I Add or Change Support For Websites