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Codex HomeLegacy → Installation

These pages are for bbPress versions less than 2.0. They are considered out of date and are here for legacy only.

Before you begin, make sure your server meets bbPress’ requirements.

Quick Instructions

  1. Download bbPress from the download page
  2. Upload the uncompressed files to your server
  3. Optionally upload language files to “my-languages” – You will have to create this directory
  4. Visit the intended URL of the bbPress site
  5. You will be greeted with the bbPress installer
  6. Follow the instructions in the installer
  7. Visit “Settings” in the admin area to customise your installation
  8. If you have any questions, ask in the forums

That’s it!

Manual Instructions bbPress v1.2

  1. Download bbPress 1.2 bbPress browse in trac (.zip)(svn)
  2. Download the bbPress 1.2 specific BackPress version browse in trac (.zip)(svn)
  3. Download GlotPress ‘pomo’ folder from here.
  4. Upload the uncompressed bbPress files to your server eg. /bbpress/
  5. Upload the uncompressed BackPress files to the bbPress /bb-includes/backpress/ folder
  6. Upload the uncompressed GlotPress ‘pomo’ folder to the bbPress /bb-includes/backpress/pomo/ folder
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