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Before Installing

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Before Installing bbPress on your site please read the following guides as they contain useful information about what to do before you install and also information about bbPress and what it installs on your site.

Backing up your Database and Files

Backing up your site is very important , and is recommended before any major changes on your site. In this guide you will learn how to backup your site manually or with automated services.

System and Server Requirements

It’s always good to know the server requirements before you run any new PHP software on your site.

Stored Database Data

This guide will show you where bbPress stores all of its data in WordPress. Some first time users migrating from a different forum solution are usually interested in knowing this information.

bbPress User Roles and Capabilites

bbPress comes built in with  a couple of user roles with certain capabilities for each role so that they can manage certain areas or are granted the ability to do certain actions in bbPress. This guide will lay out what roles there are and what they do.

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