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Codex HomeGetting Started → Troubleshooting

bbPress works  well with many themes and plugins, but it is impossible to test all combinations of them, and many common issues are caused by conflicts with plugins and themes.

The most common solution to some issues is to go through these basic troubleshooting steps.

Just know that if you are using a paid theme or plugin, please contact the authors for resolution as they might know how to fix it.

Common Issues

These are common issues that you need to check out.


Sometimes plugins could be conflicting with bbPress and cause an issue for your site. Follow this easy procedure to find a plugin issue.

  1. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins
  2. Now bulk-select all plugins except bbPress , in the drop-down list pick Deactivate and hit Apply, then see if this resolves your issue.

If this resolves your issue, re-enable your plugins by clicking Activate on them one at a time to see which one is causing your issue to happen.

If you have found that the issue is being generated from of the plugins that you have currently installed, then please contact the plugin author of the particular plugin that is causing the issue. See if they know any fixes or if they have found an error within bbPress so that bbPress could apply a patch in the near future. You can also install an alternative to the plugin that is causing the issue or just remove it and that’s it.

If you cannot deactivate plugins . because you cannot reach the screen to deactivate them, then you can deactivate your plugins with FTP.or phpMyAdmin. Here is a WordPress codex guide to help you do so , How to deactivate plugins with FTP and phpMyAdmin


If plugins don’t pinpoint the issue, as a test switch to a WordPress default theme such as Twenty Twelve, and see if this resolves your issue. The reason we recommend Twenty Twelve is because it works flawlessly with the bbPress plugin.

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes
  2. If you already have Twenty Twelve installed,  hit the Activate button near the themes screenshot photo. If you have not installed Twenty Twelve,  do so now. Click the Add New button at the top of the themes section of your site. Now search Twenty Twelve in the themes Search search bar. After searching , it should be the first option if you spelled it correct. From there , click the Install button , then after installation click Activate to make Twenty Twelve your currently active theme then see if this resolves your issue.

If you have found that the issue is being generated from of the themes that you have currently installed, then please contact the theme author of the particular theme that is causing the issue. See if they know any fixes or if they have found an error within bbPress so that bbPress could apply a patch in the near future. You can also install and use an entirely different theme for your site too.

If this does not resolve your issue and you have also gone through the troubleshooting steps for plugin conflicts , then please try these below additional solutions.

Additional solutions

The following will do no harm, so are worth a try and can fix some issues.

Please be aware that running Remap existing users to default forum roles could remove any users with an Administrator assigned forum user role (ex. Moderator, Blocked, Spectator, Keymasters that aren’t a site Admin ) and is not an Administrator themselves, back to the default forum role set in Settings > Forums > Auto Role. Any site Administrators will be automatically granted the Keymaster forum role.

If you did run this repair job and lost your Administrator assigned forum role for your users, to fix it all you have to do is reassign them manually by editing each of the users profile or bbPress forum profile from the frontend or backend of your site.

Advanced Troubleshooting

These are recommended options to diagnose issues on your site , if you are experienced in coding , and understand what to look for when these options eject out their information.

You can activate WP_DEBUG to get very useful debugging information about any issue on your site by going into your wp-config file and setting the WP_DEBUG value to true. Be sure that this is only for non-production sits as your users will be able to see the debug information also.

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

After doing this, go to where the issue is present and you should see if any details of what is causing your issue are present. When finished, be sure to disable this WP_DEBUG by setting the value to false.

Diagnose JavaScript Errors
If you’re experiencing issues with some interactive functionality that may be due to some JavaScript errors. This WordPress codex guide will be helpful to show you how to diagnose JavaScript issues in different browsers. Using Your Browser to Diagnose JS Errors

Additional Resources

If you have need any additional help,  please create a topic in the support forums.

If you have resolved your own issue please tell us in the support forums so that you can help other users that might be going through the same issue.

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